Infrared Sauna Safety - Precautions & Contraindications

infrared sauna precautions

With a little common sense and following a few precautionary guidelines, Infrared Sauna Therapy is a safe and pleasurable way to maintain and improve your overall health and well-being.

DO NOT attempt to self-treat any disease with an IR Sauna without the direct supervision of a certified physician. If you have a disease, be certain to consult with your primary-care physician before use. The material presented is offered for reference purposes only. Creating a cure for or treating any disease is not implied and should not be inferred as such.

Heat Sensitivity

It is considered inadvisable to raise the core temperature too high in someone with adrenal suppression and systemic lupus or multiple sclerosis by some authorities.

For patients with these health considerations, some physicians recommend shorter IR sauna sessions at lower temperatures with a friend nearby in case a physical weakening may occur. We have had good reports from our clients with lupus and multiple sclerosis. Mild radiant body heating produces a wonderful cardiovascular improvement, carrying increased amounts of healing oxygen throughout the body, even if clients do not sweat profusely.*

Individuals with total Heat Insensitivity or who lack the ability to perspire, sweat, or emit body heat should probably refrain from using IR saunas. These are infrared sauna medical conditions that can become serious if not addressed. As always, check with your doctor first.

Recent Injury

If you have a sprain, bruising, laceration, or surgery, the affected area(s) should not be heated for the first 48 hours after an injury OR until the swelling has reduced. Start with short sessions of 15-20 minutes at a lower temperature (115-120 degrees) and work your way up. Mild stretching exercises work wonders for rehabilitating injuries like ACL and Rotator Cuff surgery. Proper IR Sauna Therapy speeds the healing of wounds and injuries dramatically.*

Contact Lenses

Two special benefits make contact lenses ideal for the infrared sauna: they do not ‘steam up’ in humid conditions or as a result of temperature fluctuations. They always remain at body temperature.

Any mention of contact lens contraindication that I researched gave no specific reason why contact lenses could not be worn. I have told my clients for many years that contact lenses are safe to wear in your sauna and have never received any negative feedback.

Bottom Line: As always, when any health condition is in question, please check with your eye doctor and/or the manufacturer of the lenses!

Infrared Saunas and Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, limit your sessions to 10 minutes, with a maximum of four sessions per week. **** NOTE: Exposure to intense heat during the first trimester of pregnancy may slightly increase the risk of birth defects. Consult your physician, as opinions on use during pregnancy vary.

Breastfeeding: There is insufficient empirical evidence to establish whether or not toxins are released during IR sauna use that could enter breast milk. It would be prudent to reduce or avoid intense sauna therapy during the breastfeeding period.

Infrared Saunas and Artificial Implants

Rocky Mountain Saunas has had numerous infrared sauna owners over the years who have composite carbon/synthetic material and titanium/metal alloy joint replacements, permanent contact lenses, saline and silicon replacements for breasts, rhinoplasties, stents, wires, pacemakers, etc. They can still safely use their infrared sauna and enjoy the many IR sauna health benefits.*

The Far Infrared light energy emitted by the large Nano-carbon™ panels in our saunas is tuned to emit a specific bandwidth (7-14 microns) of light contained within the much larger far infrared spectrum (4-1000 microns).

This 7-14 micron bandwidth of light energy heats the body directly and only the body. It is the same bandwidth at which every human body emits and absorbs infrared light daily.

Since the artificial replacements reflect this 7-14 micron bandwidth of infrared light, the replacement components/ artificial implants only get as warm as the increase in the human body's core temperature during a sauna session.

Core Body Temperature can increase from 1 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit during an infrared sauna session. This 1-3 degree Fahrenheit increase in core body temperature and the implanted devices is not enough heat to cause the sauna user any discomfort or to cause any damage to the components.

Menstrual Flow

Heating women's lower back area during the menstrual period may temporarily increase their menstrual flow. Once a woman is aware that this may occur, she can choose to allow herself to experience this short-term effect without worry possibly or to avoid use at that time of her cycle. Many women report relief of other common symptoms related to menstruation, including relief of bloating, cramping, and headaches.*

Prescription Drugs

If you are using any prescription drugs, check with your physician for any possible change in the drug’s effect due to any interaction with infrared heat. Very rarely does heating the body alter the properties or effects of a prescribed medication. Corticosteroids may be a contraindicated substance. Some antihistamines contain ephedrine and may increase heart rate inordinately during sauna use.

Bleeding Disorders

Hemophiliacs and anyone predisposed to hemorrhage should avoid usage or any type of heating that would induce vasodilatation or stimulated circulation, which can increase the tendency to bleed.

Infrared Saunas and the Elderly

According to Dr. J. Halperin, M.D., Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, “Moderate sauna use is safe for most older people. Diabetics or anyone being treated for heart conditions, circulatory issues, or prescription medication should check with their doctor.”

Age is not a contraindication to using an IR sauna. We have clients in their 90s who enjoy the benefits of regular sessions.

Infrared Saunas and Children

Young children have a high metabolic rate and are less adaptable to higher body core temperatures than adults due to their limitations of circulatory adaptation and body temperature regulation (sweating).

Ages 6 – 12 should spend no more than 20 minutes in IR saunas and be accompanied by an adult. Start with lower temperatures and work up gradually as the child demonstrates the ability to perspire freely.

Ages 6 and Under should avoid use unless prescribed by a doctor.

Teenagers may safely use IR saunas, taking particular care to hydrate liberally and not become overheated.


Start your IR sauna program slowly and monitor any unusual changes in blood sugar. Infrared sauna use does not increase the blood sugar level or the body’s consumption of glucose.

High Blood Pressure

Using an IR sauna does not normally raise blood pressure. You may use a blood pressure monitor during your session to observe BP rates. Although the heart rate is increased during use, vasodilation of all the blood vessels in the body and increased blood circulation actually allows for a lowering of blood pressure in many users, both short and long-term. Regular infrared sauna use is a highly effective, passive cardiovascular activity for folks with limited physical exercise capability.*

Elimination of Medications / Healing Reactions

During IR sauna therapy, it is common for the body to eliminate residues of prescription and “over-the-counter” medications, even those ingested many years ago, via infrared sauna detoxification. Occasionally, the release of these substances can result in temporary effects similar to the action of the drug when first taken, i.e., novocaine expulsion may temporarily produce a slight numbness in the jaw from a previous dental injection.*

Purging your system of antibiotics can sometimes alter digestive bacteria balance and constipation or diarrhea may be a symptom. In most instances, these effects pass quickly as residues are excreted.

According to Dr. L. Wilson, M.D., and Homeopathic Practitioner, “Healing Reactions are temporary symptoms associated with eliminating toxic substances, healing chronic infections, or due to other metabolic changes in the body. They are an important part of all deep healing.”

As some toxins are mobilized from storage sites throughout the body, they are primarily transported by the blood to the liver. Toxins must be processed by the organs of elimination, including the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin. The metabolic process of expelling toxins sometimes results in mild and short-lived “flare-ups” or experienced symptoms of a previous illness, virus, or physical trauma.*

Most healing reactions are mild and pass quickly. Symptoms may include diarrhea, constipation, aches, pains, muscle cramps, sinus discharges, odors, minor rashes, headaches, irritability, and fatigue. Mood swings and emotional reactions may occur on rare occasions and are the result of changes in body chemistry and neurotransmitter levels.”*

Please call us for suggestions and support in handling a healing reaction.


Wait for an hour or two after a meal before engaging in infrared sauna therapy. Therapy right after a meal may interfere with proper digestion and cause mild stomach cramps.


Alcohol consumption during or before an IR sauna session is prohibited! “Sweating out a hangover” is not advisable but permissible, given that you limit your session to no more than 30 minutes and do not overheat! Drink lots of fluids before, during, and after your session.

Danger Signals

Danger signals include a rapid increase in body temperature, a noticeable “racing” of the heartbeat, extreme redness of the skin, and feeling lightheaded or extremely faint. If you notice any of these symptoms, end your session immediately. Occurrences of this nature are very rare.

Exercise and Sauna Use

Wait 20-30 minutes after strenuous exercise to use your infrared sauna. Allow your body to cool down completely before entering the unit. You are activating a different branch of your involuntary nervous system; the IR sauna supplies your body heat passively instead of actively, as in a physical workout.

Heart Disease

People with advanced symptomatic heart disease should not use an infrared sauna unless supervised by a doctor.

Recent Joint Injury

If a person has suffered a recent acute joint injury, it should not be heated for at least 48 hours or until the hot and swollen symptoms diminish. Enthusiastic heating is strictly contraindicated in cases of enclosed infections in any of your tissues, including dental.

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Rocky Mountain Saunas

No other sauna manufacturer gives you this much bang for your buck. With high-end, luxury features like these, you can have the sauna of your dreams at a price within your budget. And with optional upgrades, you can further customize your sauna with alternative woods or colorful interior cushions. Learn more about our Premium and Elite saunas to see which one is right for you, or call (888) 358-1270 to place your order and start improving your health today. 

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