First, it is important to understand that Far Infrared Light Waves, specifically tuned to the human body’s resonant frequency, work through a process called Direct Light Conversion. This means that light energy enters the body, penetrating up to three inches deep, and is converted to heat. This action is also called Radiant Heat because it heats the body directly, not the air around the body.
Exposing the body to Radiant Heat increases the body’s natural homeostatic responses which include: accelerated peripheral (blood vessels close to the skin) blood flow and improved circulation, vasodilation of blood vessels, oxygenation and toxin removal from muscle and fatty tissue. This anabolic response triggers the autonomic nervous system to nourish, heal and regenerate both physical and emotional health conditions. * (3) (5) (7) (9)
How Does Infrared Heat Heal the Human Body?
Radiant Infrared Heat rebalances and nourishes the enzymes in Synovial Joint Fluid which help keep joints healthy, flexible and properly lubricated. * (7)
Far Infrared Energy activates Arginine in the body to create an increased supply of Nitric Oxide (not Nitrous Oxide… that’s Laughing Gas!) in the blood which enables the hemoglobin to deliver higher concentrations of healing oxygen and nutrients to injured cell areas!
Nitric Oxide relaxes artery walls and expands blood vessels and capillaries, which helps to maintain normal blood pressure. It is a free radical scavenger that lowers serum cholesterol and prevents ‘bad’ LDL from oxidizing and becoming worse.

Nitric Oxide is used by different immune system cells to kill bacteria, viruses and even shrink some cancerous tumors. *(2) (18)
Nitric Oxide stimulates the body into releasing its own human growth hormone, which is a key to Longevity. Lean muscle mass and bone density are boosted while decreasing fat tissue. Insulin regulation, increased rate of healing, long term memory and adequate blood flow to the brain are all characteristics of Nitric Oxide in the body. *(18)
“Nitric Oxide is a beneficial neurotransmitter in the brain and peripheral autonomic nervous system which causes all the muscles and body systems to relax causing the body to become unstressed and relaxed.” according to Harper’s Biochemistry, 24th Edition, Chapter 58.
Pharmacologists, Robert Fuchgott, Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad won the Nobel Prize in 1996 for their work regarding the effects of Nitric Oxide in the human body. There are more than 10,000 Clinical Studies on Nitric Oxide.
“In my 25 years of research, I have never seen a molecule [like Nitric Oxide] that so pervasively influences normal and abnormal body functions.” – Dr. Solomon Snyder, Director of Neuroscience, John Hopkins Medical School
Read about other Sauna Health Benefits
Rocky Mountain Saunas has come to the conclusions posted on this page through research and detailed investigation of these particular health benefits. References are listed and linked wherever possible.
*Rocky Mountain Saunas and its associates do not provide medical guidance. Consult a licensed doctor for medical advice. All of the information contained in this website is for information purposes only. Results of using our products vary on an individual basis and no immediate permanent or guaranteed solutions can be provided. We reserve the right to change, without notice, anything contained within the article. Rocky Mountain Saunas shall not be held responsible for printing variations.
Far infrared sauna benefits have been documented by a multitude of medical studies related to the overall health benefits and treatment of chronic maladies and conditions. For more information about bringing the benefits of far infrared sauna therapy into your home, with your own personal infrared sauna, call 1-888-358-1270 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm MST.
1. Cohn, J.R. and E.A. Emmett, 1978, The excretion of trace metals in human sweat, Ann Clin and Lab Sci., 8(4):270-274.
2. Czarnowski, D.J., J. Gorski et al., 1991, Excretion of nitrogen compounds in sweat during sauna, Pol Tyg Lek., 46(8-10)(Feb. 18-Mar 4):186-187.
3. Dritschilo, A., et al., 1981, Therapeutic implication of heat as related to radiation therapy, Semin Oncol., 8(1)(March):83-91
4. Ernst, E., P. Wirz, T. Saradeth, 1990, Regular sauna bathing and the incidence of common colds, Ann Med., 22(4):225-7
5. Gard, Z.R. and E.J. Brown, 1992-1999, History of sauna/hyperthermia; Past and present efficacy in detoxification, Townsend Letter for Doctors, June 1992:470-478, July 1992:650-660, Oct. 1992:846-854, Aug-Sept 1999:76-86.
6. Hrnjak, M., 1985, The effect of infrared irradiation on the human body, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol., 36(2)(June):201-18.
7. Inoue, S. and M. Kabaya, 1989, Biological activities caused by far infrared radiation, Int J Biometeorol, 33(3)(Oct):145-50.
8. Kaderavek, R., 1971, Absorption and heat transport during application of infrared radiation, Fysiatr Revmatol Vestn., 51(1)(Feb):14-20.
9. Kihara, T., et al., 2002, Repeated sauna treatment improves vascular endothelial and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure, J Am Coll of Cardiology, 39(March 6):754-759.
10. Krop, J. and J. Swierczek, 1987/1988, Patient with severe intractable asthma, urticaria and irritable bowel syndrome: Response to sauna therapy, Clin Ecology, 5:136-139.
Krop, J., 1998, Chemical sensitivity after intoxication at work with solvents: response to sauna therapy, J Altern Complementary Med., 4(1)(Spring):77-86.
11. Kukkonen-Jarjula, K., and K. Jkauppinen, 1998, How the sauna affects the endocrine system, Ann Clin Res., 20(4):262-6.
12. Lovejoy, H.B., Z.G. Bell, T.R. Vizena, 1973, Mercury exposure evaluations and their correlation with urine mercury excretion: 4. Elimination of mercury by sweating, J Occup Med.,15:590-591.
13. Niwa, Y., O. Lizawa, K. Ishimoto, X. Jiang, T, Kanoh, 1993, Electromagnetic wave emitting products and ëKikohí potentiate human leukocyte functions, Int J Biometeorol., 37(5)(Sept):133-8
14. Rea, W.J., Y. Pan, A.R. Johnson, 1991, Clearing of toxic volatile hydrocarbons from humans, Bol Asoc Med P R, 83(7)(July):321-4.
15. Schnare, D.W. and P.C. Robinson, 1985, Reduction of hexachlorobenzene and ploychlorinated biphenyl human body burdens, Int. Agency for Research on Cancer, WHO, Scientific Publication Series, Vol. 77, Oxford University Press.
16. Wyss, V., 1966, On the effects of radiant heat on different regions of the human body. Behavior of cardiocirculatory and respiratory activity, oxygen consumption, oral and skin temperature during infrared radiation of different areas in acclimatized and non-acclimatized subjects, Med Lav., 57(4)(April):262-85.
17. Zelentsova, S.P., 1968, Immunobiological reactivity of the organism under the effect of the interrupted infrared irradiation, Varach Delo., 12(Dec):88-91.
18. The Nitric Oxide Solution by Bryan, Zand and Gottlie Neogenis, Austin, Texas, 2010
Learn more:
Recommended Books:
Wilson, L., Sauna Therapy, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc., 2003
Yamazaki, T., Science of Far Infrared Wave Therapies, Man and History Co., Tokyo, Japan
McVicker, M., Sauna Detoxification Therapy, McFarland & Co., Jefferson, NC, 1997
Rogers, S.A., Tired or Toxic, Prestige Publishers, 1990. (Also Detoxify or Die, 2002)
Kukreja, R.C., ed., Heat Shock Proteins in Myocardial Protection, Landes Bioscience, 2000
© 2013 by J. M. Henson and Bulldog Publishing. All Rights Reserved. All material contained herein is the exclusive property of Rocky Mountain Saunas, Inc. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of materials is strictly prohibited.