Health Articles

Bulletproof Your Immune System with Infrared Sauna Use

As the body rids itself of accumulated toxins through regular deep sweating, the immune system’s function grows noticeably stronger. Heating the body increases white blood cell activity. Raising the core temperature of the body disables harmful heat-sensitive microorganisms, eliminating many infections, viruses and reducing asthma, breathing and allergy symptoms.* (4) A Far Infrared Sauna Session is a passive cardiovascular workout that delivers increased amounts of healing oxygen to every part of your...

Drink Yourself Healthy

9 Great Reasons to Drink Water, and How to Form the Water Habit We all know that water is good for us, but often the reasons are a little fuzzy. And even if we know why we should drink water, it’s not a habit that many people form. But there are some very powerful reasons to drink lots of water every day, and forming the habit isn’t hard, with a...

Infrared Weight Loss

Among the benefits of sauna weight loss is the fact that infrared heat is healthy, natural and a safe therapy for all living beings. Sauna benefits for weight loss are achieved through the use of a far infrared sauna by increasing the metabolic process of vital organs and endocrine glands, which produces a high calorie burn.  Studies have shown that you can burn up to 900 calories in a single 50 minute session,...


According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Anxiety Disorders affect about 40 million American adults per year. Most notable symptoms include feelings of uncertainty, excessive fear, unrealistic worry and insomnia.(1) Using a Far Infrared Sauna offers a safe and natural alternative to prescription drugs in helping to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.* Former President of the American Holistic Medical Association, Dr. Scott Shannon, of Ft. Collins, CO, states that external factors...

Turbo Charge Your Immune System: Alkaline pH = Power Healthy

Health benefits of an infrared sauna use are numerous, but one of the most important benefits is to the immune system. The balance of acidity vs alkaline in your body fluids has been an accurate measuring system of immune system health for decades. Alkaline pH = Power Healthy Maintaining an Alkaline Body Fluid balance can improve your overall health in several categories. An Alkaline Body Fluid pH balance can boost your body’s...